Well I've started the new piece of blackwork it's a traditional sampler piece and quite a large one to so lots of work involved I really do love this kind of embroidery like to see it taking shape as I'm working it and I never fail to be impressed with how stunning the finished work is it makes all the hours that go into it so worth while I think I can safely say blackwork is my passion as I'm never happier than when I'm working on a piece like this.if you haven't tried blackwork give it ago while the patterns may look complicated once you are into your stride it is really a very simple form of needlework and one I think looks fantastic many people I know that enjoy embroidery are put off by it because of the fact it looks so labour intensive but it really is worth the time for the end result and their are some great books on the Market to help you on your way well have a great day
Dean;-) xxx
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