My first task this evening will be to sort out the floss into envelopes and mark them up with the floss number and chart symbol I seem to be able to work better that way lol than from the hole punched card that comes with the kit I find them a bit of a nightmare as the floss is forever getting tangled and I seem to spend more time trying to find out what colour I should be using than I do sewing that and the fact the card only ever has a number on it not the symbol which is what I'm working on from the pattern so I like to get organised lol guess we all have our own way of working and that's the way that works for me lol
Once I've done that I can get underway this piece is on 18 count Aida I normally like to work on 14 or 16 count as the stitches are slightly larger but I'll give it ago lol here's what she should look like then she's finished

Dean ;)
that looks like a nice stitch Dean, can't wait to see your progress.